مدرسة السيدة زينب الثانوية بنات ترحب بكم وتتمنى لكم أوقاتاً سعيدة فى منتداها ...نسعد بلقائك ومشاركتك

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مدرسة السيدة زينب الثانوية بنات ترحب بكم وتتمنى لكم أوقاتاً سعيدة فى منتداها ...نسعد بلقائك ومشاركتك

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مواضيع مماثلة

حكمة اليوم

مرحباً : أنت الزائر رقم


سحابة الكلمات الدلالية

المواضيع الأخيرة

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هل انت موافق على التعديلات الدستورية الجديدة
paragraph and letter I_vote_rcap58%paragraph and letter I_vote_lcap 58% [ 11 ]
paragraph and letter I_vote_rcap42%paragraph and letter I_vote_lcap 42% [ 8 ]
paragraph and letter I_vote_rcap0%paragraph and letter I_vote_lcap 0% [ 0 ]

مجموع عدد الأصوات : 19

التبادل الاعلاني

    paragraph and letter


    عدد المساهمات : 72
    تاريخ التسجيل : 09/03/2011

    paragraph and letter Empty paragraph and letter

    مُساهمة من طرف halim الثلاثاء 22 مارس - 10:35


    It is necessary to point out that الموضوع (have / has) a(good /bad) effect on our (life /society
    /economy) to a very great extent as الموضوع (is
    /are) reflected on the living conditions of our society . that is why we have
    given due consideration to الموضوع .from the previous lines, we realize that
    the government should exert efforts with the help of the citizens for the
    happiness, welfare and prosperity of people.

    First of all, I think that we should
    co-operate and stand shoulder to shoulder for the sake of our country and for /
    against الموضوع .That is why the government has given due consideration to (
    encourage / overcome)الموضوع .Accordingly great efforts should be exerted to ( improve /pay
    attention to)الموضوع .All of that requires great efforts and a sincere co-operation
    from both the government and individuals to face this responsibility.

    جمل و تعبيرات لغوية تصلح لموضوعات نافعة.

    1- We all agree that………………..is one of the most
    important things in our life

    and has its
    vital role nowadays.

    نتفق جميعا أن.................واحدا من أهم الأشياء في حياتنا وله دورا
    حيويا هذه الأيام.

    2- We
    should put into consideration that ……………has /have become one of the

    important things in every one’s life.

    يجب أن نضع في الاعتبارأن................قد أصبح واحدا من أهم الأشياء في
    حياه كل شخص.

    3- In my
    opinion, I’d like to say that…………..is really important and necessary

    nowadays and may have good and positive
    effects on all of us. I think so

    because………..may bring all the good to our

    في رأي ,أود أن أقول أن ..........هو حقا مهم و ضروري هذه الأيام وقد يكون
    له الأثر الطيب و الإيجابي علينا جميعا. وأني أعتقد ذلك لأن..........قد يعود
    بالنفع علي مجتمعنا.

    the backbone of any nation and no one can deny that………...plays

    an essential
    role in our life.

    ...........هي العمود الفقري لأي أمه و لا أحد يستطيع
    أن ينكر أن.........تلعب دورا حيويا في حياتنا

    5-We all
    agree that…………..is very necessary and plays an important in our life.

    كلنا نتفق أن.............ضروري و يلعب دورا هاما في حياتنا.

    wonder if we say that…………..has /have its good and positive effects on us.

    لاعجب إذا قلنا أن.............له آثار طيبه وايجابية علينا جميعا.

    the help of……….we can lead a comfortable and happy life.

    انه بمساعده..............سنعيش حياه سعيدة و مريحة.

    وتعبيرات لغوية تصلح مقدمات لموضوعات ضاره أو مشاكل

    1- First of all, I think that we should unite, co-operate and
    stand as one hand so as

    to find quick solutions to this serious
    problem for the sake of our country.

    أولا و قبل كل شي , أعتقد أنه من الواجب علينا أن نتحد و نتعاون و نقف كيد
    واحده لإيجاد حلول سريعة لهذه المشكلة الخطيرة من أجل بلدنا.

    2-In my
    point of view, I believe that…………..is really serious and harmful nowadays

    and may have bad and negative effects on all
    of us.

    من وجهه نظري أعتقد أن.........هو
    فعلا خطير و ضار هذه الأيام و قد يكون له أثار سيئة و سلبية علينا.

    3- There
    is no doubt that ………is one of the most dangerous problems in our life

    and has its
    bad and negative effects nowadays.

    مما لاشك فيه أن..............هي واحده من أخطر المشاكل في حياتنا و كذلك
    له أثاره السيئة و السلبية في وقتنا هذا.

    should make a good use of the advantages and avoid the disadvantages

    of…..for the
    sake of the happiness, welfare and the prosperity of people.


    The reopening of ALEX. Library will confirm
    to the whole world that Egypt
    is a country of science and knowledge. The old library was the center of the
    cultural renaissance and the new one will be the turning point for a better
    future for humanity. The new library has an advanced technological base so that
    computers will be the means of dealing with the manuscripts.

    The revival of the Library of ALEX.
    Proves that Egypt
    has never forgotten its pioneering role in the enrichment of human culture and civilization.
    The youth of today are the scientists and the leaders of the future. This is
    why the government spares no efforts in providing our children with the proper
    chances for education and research.

    Terrorism Today

    There is no doubt that Terrorism is
    considered one of the most serious problems which face all the world. We have
    to take into consideration that there are many kinds of Terrorism like the
    Terrorism which countries practice like Israel which kills thousands of
    innocent Palestinians in the occupation lands. And another kind of Terrorism
    financed by individuals and organization is the 11th of September 2001 in America which has a great impact on
    the world economy.

    No one can deny that Terrorism has a bad
    effect on Tourism. As it is known that Tourism only flourishes in the
    atmosphere of safety, stability and security moreover it threatens the people’s
    security and endangers the future of the national economy. The government
    should exert efforts to solve and get ride of this serious problem. From the
    previous lines we can see the importance and the danger of this serious problem
    in our daily life.

    Distance Learning-Open University

    There is no doubt that Distance Learning
    plays an important role to teach the people who have no chance and no time to
    learn or who want to have a better position in their society. The government
    exerts great efforts to encourage and improve the Distance learning by setting
    up the open university so that learning could be available for every one.

    Distance learning is a method of study that
    involves watching videos and television programs as well as sending work to
    teachers, instead of going to a school or university. Cairo
    university runs distance learning courses to students all over Egypt.
    In Distance learning, professors communicate with students using state of the
    art teaching materials over the internet. Students use e-mail and video
    conferencing to contact their professors. This is a very good way of studying
    and getting degrees while sitting comfortably at home.

    It is advisable for the university graduates to run their own business

    The role of Youth in society

    There is no doubt
    that Youth play an important role in constructing the country and forming a
    bright future. The government shouldn’t wait for government employment but they
    should run their own business. The government should provide them with loans to
    start their small private projects. There
    different fields in which graduates can run their own business like land
    reclamation, small productive projects and commercial risks. From the previous
    lines we can see the importance of the university graduates to run their own
    business for a bright future.

    Modern means of Communication

    There is no doubt
    the modern means of communication play an important role in our daily life.
    There are a lot of kinds of modern means of communications like the Internet,
    computer, satellites and mobile. We can use the internet to make friends in
    other countries and in our studies. We can contact anyone in any place at any
    time by mobile. We should make a good use of the advantages of the modern means
    of communications for the happiness, welfare and prosperity of people. From the
    previous lines, we can see the importance of modern means of communications in
    our daily life.

    A job I would like

    There is no doubt that
    choosing the suitable job is very important for man’s happiness. One should
    know his abilities and should love the job which he may choose. Speaking above
    myself, I would like to work as a doctor. Although it is a hard job, but I’m
    interested in it as I like to help poor patients. Doctors, should work day and
    night to help patients. Great efforts are exerted to help doctors to perform
    their duties for the sake of humanity. From the previous lines we can see the
    importance of choosing a suitable job for the man’s happiness and welfare

    How trade was carried out in the past

    There is no doubt that trade plays an
    important role in our daily life. Trade in the past had a different system as
    there was no money. People used to exchange goods to get their needs which was
    called the barter system. They used shark’s teeth, shells, gold and silver as
    money. Traders used to travel in caravans. The government tries to do its best
    to improve local trade for the happiness, welfare and the prosperity of people.

    Life today is better than that in the past

    There is no doubt that
    life today is better than in the past. Life today has a great development in
    science. Moreover there is a great progress in the field of medicine. Nowadays
    we have a more comfortable home than in the past. We have a great progress in
    industry. We have better means of transport than in the past like planes and
    trains and we have means of amusement like TV. And cinemas. From the previous
    lines we can see that life today is better than that in the past.

    Sinai is a fascinating place for tourists

    There is no doubt Sinai is one of the
    most fascinating places for tourists in the world. Tourists come from all over
    the world to visit Sinai and enjoy seeing its historical monuments, monasteries
    and famous mountains moreover Sinai has many places of interest such as
    theatres, cinemas and night clubs moreover Sinai has fascinating sea coastal
    regions. great efforts are exerted to encourage and improve tourism in Sinai.
    From the previous lines we can see that Sinai is a fascinating place for

    How the internet has changed our way of living

    There is no doubt that the computer and
    especially the internet plays an important role in our daily life. No one can
    deny that internet has a great effect on our way of life. There are a lot of
    advantages of the internet such it is the fastest growing communication system
    in our world. It stores all kinds of information on different subjects. Using
    e-mail is very important because it saves time through internet we can exchange
    information among us. Through internet we can see and talk to who we want in
    any time and at any place. From the previous lines, we can see the importance
    of using the internet.

    How students can organize their study to get the best results

    There is no doubt that organizing study
    plays an important role in success. Every student should make a study plan. He
    should work to a study plan. He should have two or three sessions everyday. He
    should have a break between sessions. Revising should go side by side with
    studying new items. From the previous lines, we can see the importance of
    organizing study and having a study plane.


    1- The
    importance of scientific research.

    2-How trade
    was carried out in the past.

    games strengthen relationship among nations.

    and our modern life.

    exports and decreasing imports.

    6-How to
    encourage tourism in Egypt.

    7-The place
    where I would like to live.

    8-How the
    tourist industry can flourish in Egypt.

    9-How to
    preserve our monuments.

    abroad enriches one’s experience.

    in Egypt.

    today is better than that in the past.

    future will witness marvelous changes for man’s prosperity.

    14-Living in
    the new city.

    camps for students.

    16-A place
    you visited and you will never forget.

    17-How to
    improve our school life.

    study is essential for a successful career.

    problem of pollution.

    Local Goods

    is the problem of many countries allover the world.

    importance of Co-operation between the Arab countries.

    23-The role/
    responsibilities of Youth in our society.

    advantages of buying local products Labeled MADE IN EGYPT

    will host the world the World Cup Finals 2110.

    animals in Experiments.


    advantages and disadvantages of using hydroelectricity as a source of energy.


    into space.

    31-The need
    for Lifelong learning.

    32-The power
    of the sun.

    the problems of the past.

    How to write a letter

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

    بعض التعبيرات التي تستخدم في الموضوع

    -I wish you a speedy recovery أتمني لك
    الشفاء العاجل

    -I congratulate you on أهنئك علي

    -I invite you to my أدعوك إلي

    -Thank you for أشكرك علي

    -I apologize to you for- أعتذر
    لك علي

    tell you that أخبرك أن

    -I express my feelings of happiness / sadness concerning Yours

    tell you that I have a complaint of شكوى / اعتراض

    -Thank you for the invitation but I am very sorry
    for not accepting it رفض دعوه

    -Thank you for the invitation which I gratefully
    accept قبول دعوه

    -I ask you for some information about أطلب
    منك بعض المعلومات عن

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة 19 أبريل - 19:59